April 10, 2022
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Pitch Deck Handbook: Solution Slide


The Solution Slide is where you show what your solution is and how it addresses the problems listed in your Problem Slide. It typically includes the name of the solution, visual depictions of the solution, a description, and lists how the solution addresses the problem(s) that were listed. This slide is placed after the Problem Slide or after the Existing Solutions Slide.

Purpose of the Solution Slide

Once the investors gain clarity on the problem, they now must gain clarity on your solution to the problem(s) that you have listed in the “Problem Slide.” The Solution Slide should give investors a very clear, visual picture of what your solution is and exactly how it addresses the problem.

Spend as much time and create as many slides as you need to explain your solution. If investors don’t have absolute clarity on what your solution is, you are guaranteed to not get a check.

The purpose of the Solution Slide is to help investors gain clarity on what your solution is and how it addresses the problems that you have already listed.

Info and Content to Include

Should be included in the Solution Slide:
  • Name of the solution (or company)
  • Visual depiction(s) of the solution (Images, videos, diagrams, etc.)
  • Description of the solution
  • How the solution address the problem(s) listed in the Problem Slide(s)
Can be included in the Solution Slide:
  • Links or QR codes that contain additional solution information

Solution Slide Locations in a Pitch Deck

Potential Locations:

Find more slides and learn more about the Pitch Deck Handbook here.

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