Startup Crowdfunding Campaign Website

Stride Tech Medical needed a new website for its crowdfunding campaign. This site needed to support both potential investors and customers.

Stride Tech Medical
Jan 2022
Feb 2022

Goals for the New Website

Stride Tech Medical's previous website was hosted on Wix which was limiting their design capabilities for the site. Looking for alternatives, we landed on Webflow to help create a modern, beautifully designed site.

Getting started, we set a few goals to achieve with this new website:

  1. Designate pages for different stakeholders of their product (users, family members, and healthcare professionals)
  2. Capture interest in the product through pre-orders and mailing list signups
  3. Generate investor interest and funnel them to the StartEngine campaign page


Getting started, we sat down with Stride Tech to discuss their old website. What did they like about it? What do they dislike about it? What do they think is missing? Who is their audience? etc.

Old Website

Site Map

Now that we had identified what they want in their new website, we built out a sitemap to see how everything was going to fit together


One of the core reasons you should build your site in Webflow is their extensive marketplace of website templates. These templates are ideal for early stage companies with a limited budget and a tight development timeline.

Starting with a template massively speeds up development time and cuts development costs.

For Stride Tech, we started with the Doctorology template which supported all technical aspects and pages we needed in the site.


CMS and E-Commerce Collections

On the Ecom side, Stride Tech's website needed to be able to sell products and take pre-orders for products that they were currently developing.

For their CMS Collections, they needed to be able to both write custom blog posts and link to external news sources that their company was mentioned in.

The following systems were designed to cover all needs listed above:

E-Commerce and CMS Systems

Final Design and Results: $70,000 Raised in 4 Weeks.

You can view Stride Tech Medical's new site here.

Within 4 weeks of launching the crowdfunding campaign, Stride Tech raised over $70,000 with an average investment of over $1,200.

Home Page: Landing
Home Page: Core Value Proposition Section
Stakeholder Page: Older Adults
Older Adults: Product Features and Reviews Sections