January 4, 2023
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Pitch Deck Handbook: Financials Slide


The Financials slide serves as a benchmark for where your company is estimated to financially headed over the next few years. It should include: A 3 to 5 year projection including your break even point along with revenue, expenses, and net profit. The Financials Slide typically is placed after your Market Slide or Roadmap Slide.

Purpose of the Financials Slide

Unless you have a revolutionary solution such as the light bulb, you’ll need a financials slide (Be realistic. There is a 99.99% chance your solution isn’t on the “lightbulb” revolutionary level.)

Investors care about money to a significant extent because, well, they are investors. Ya, they likely have a drive to solve a greater world problem, but they can’t continue to do that without making smart investment decisions (ones that MAKE them money).

Therefore, you should paint a clear financial picture of your business over the next few years.

The job of your financial slide + model isn’t to be 100% accurate. Its job is to serve as a mental bookmark and provide quantifiable metrics to run further projections off of.

The Purpose of the Financials Slide is to give investors a benchmark of where your company is estimated to head over the next few years.

Info and Content to Include

Info and Content that is typically included in the Financials Slide:

  • A graph/chart with labels of a 3 to 5 year projection including: Revenue, Expenses, and Net Profit (or Gross Profit)
  • Break Even Point (Revenue > Expenses)

Info and Content that can be included in the Financials Slide:

  • Various other financial metrics such as gross margin

Financials Slide Locations in a Pitch Deck

Potential Locations:

  • … > Financials > Team > …
  • … > Roadmap > Financials > Ask > …

Find more slides and learn more about the Pitch Deck Handbook here.

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